health & safety in the workplace

Health & Safety in the Workplace

Our Services

  • Return to Work Consultants and Coordinators
  • WHS policy Development
  • WHS Procedure Development
  • WHS Audits
  • WHS Training
  • General WHS Consulting

What are your responsibilities?

It used to be called the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986. Now it goes by the name of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (WHS) and the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012.

Under WHS legislation employers like you have various responsibilities, including the need to provide your staff with a safe place to work and to protect their health and well-being whilst at work. However, this is not just about meeting the minimum standard of safety in the workplace; it's about developing an environment in which your staff, you're most valuable business resource, can thrive!

We know you insure your traditional business assets but when was the last time you thoroughly reviewed the health and safety of your staff? The Tracking Right Workplace Health and Safety package will give you a complete picture of where you stand and what you need to do regarding WHS.

The Health & Safety Audit

The first step is a comprehensive Workplace Safety Audit - we'll review the WHS practices you already have in place, paying particular attention to any hazards present in your workplace. This could include storage and handling of hazardous substances, or how particular tasks are executed. It applies equally to an office environment as it does to a manufacturing shop floor.

The audit will confirm what you are already doing well, and will identify those WHS areas that need attention. 

Policies & Procedures

Policies and Procedures form a critical part of your WHS Management System. We will provide assistance in modifying and updating what you already have in place and will work with you to produce a range of other documents as required for your operation.

Whilst it may be comforting to have a WHS Policies and Procedures manual sitting on the shelf, it's of no value if you and your staff don't know how to use it! Training is an essential element of any Safe Work Management System and one of our experienced facilitators can work with you to tailor a program for your business. This awareness and understanding adds to your staff being 'protected' as they go about their daily tasks.

Workplace Injuries

Should someone, unfortunately, be injured whilst at work Tracking Right can provide a fully trained and experienced Return to Work Coordinator to ensure the rights of all parties - both you and your employee - are protected. This includes ensuring the primary goal is achieved - that the employee is able to safely return to work as soon as possible.

Partnering with Tracking Right will give you access to specialist knowledge and support in workplace health and safety - whenever you need it. The first step is to get in touch!

Ph.1300 833 546

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Winston Churchill

Keep your business moving in the right direction!

Get in touch today!


Tracking Right

PO Box 338
Burnside SA 5066


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